Guaranteed Income
We are witnessing the collapse of the “American Pension” and facing a “Retirement Income Crisis.” America’s solution to this problem has been to adopt the 401(k). Funded with highly speculative mutual funds, the 401(k) has proven to be a colossal failure in providing the guaranteed lifetime income stream which we all want in our retirement years. There is a solution. Best-selling author, Barry James Dyke, in his third book, "Guaranteed Income: A Risk Free Guide to Retirement", provides meticulous, groundbreaking research showing how consumers can create their own pensions by using annuities and life insurance products. This book reveals these financial secrets and more:
How General Motors, Verizon, Bell System, NCR, TRW, Kimberly-Clark and others are “de-risking” their pension plans from stock-market volatility by purchasing multi-billion dollar annuities.
Why top executives from AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Comcast, General Electric, IBM, Lockheed Martin and hundreds more fund retirement programs with monster annuities and cash-value life insurance.
Why the nation’s top financial regulator, The Federal Reserve System, in 2008 used annuities to dodge the stock market meltdown in its 401(k). Learn how Fed chairs, Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen, count on and invest in annuities to finance their retirement.
Why Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, PNC Bank and Bank of New York Mellon who make billions speculating with your money in the stock market use guaranteed annuities and life insurance products to stabilize their balance sheets and fund their benefit plans. See why mutual fund giants, Fidelity and Vanguard, also use annuities to provide guaranteed income for their well-healed client base.
For additional information, including press review copies,
you may contact the author at info@barryjamesdyke.com
Telephone 603-929-7891
Castle Asset Management, LLC
P.O. Box 95
Hampton, NH 03843-0095.