BARRY JAMES DYKE is President of Castle Asset Management, LLC of Hampton, New Hampshire. For more than twenty-five years he has practiced financial planning, founded a pension consulting business, a third-party administration firm, a health & welfare consultancy and a registered investment advisor www.camnh.com. He has worked with individuals, privately held businesses, publicly traded companies, venture capital firms and celebrities. He has authored or contributed to articles, and is written about in prominent publications such as:
The Huffington Post
The New York Times
Advisor Today
The National Underwriter
The International Business Times, Register, Probe
The Daily Reckoning
The Portsmouth Herald
The Charlotte News Observer
Medical Economics
Life & Health Advisor and numerous blogs.
He has been a frequent guest on talk radio shows throughout the country, and speaks to groups about conditions of today’s economy and ways for consumers and advisors become better prepared in the days ahead.
In 2009, more than 100,000 copies of his work were purchased and distributed by some of the most well-respected and stable financial institutions in the country.
His book, “The Pirates of Manhattan” illuminates the corruption within the U.S. financial service industry and predicted the economic crisis early in 2007—months before it occurred. The book is a best-seller, sold throughout the U.S., as well as Europe, England, Canada, South America, Australia and the Pacific Rim.
About Barry James Dyke

For additional information, including press review copies,
you may contact the author at info@barryjamesdyke.com
Telephone 603-929-7891
Castle Asset Management, LLC
P.O. Box 95
Hampton, NH 03843-0095.