“Guaranteed Income: A Risk-Free Guide to Retirement is strong in passion and rich in detail, a fine combination. I especially enjoyed your ‘take’ on annuities.” John “Jack” Bogle, founder Vanguard Investments
“Major market downturns require you liquidate a larger portion of your stock and bond investments at discounted prices. Individuals in this group that followed traditional investment advice during the 2008 market collapse lost close to 30 percent. Such a loss is a disaster for someone who has just retired and needs a 20 to 30-year income stream. This is why I strongly advise retirees who do not have millions of dollars to seriously consider using at least 50 percent of their available funds to buy a guaranteed monthly income via a fixed income annuity. If this does not get your attention, I am sure reading Barry’s book will do so.”
Edward “Ted” Benna is known as the father of the 401(k)-retirement plan,
“It is with great pleasure to highly recommend Barry Dyke as a foremost consultant on topics such as financial protection and retirement income planning… His understanding of data analysis is “head and shoulders” above his peers…Added to his background, he was the best researcher of financial information and data I have ever seen. His thoroughness helped him author several books unveiling pertinent facts concerning the inner workings of financial institutions and how it impacts consumers…The mountain of financial data he has been able to accumulate over the years is second to none, which confirms the authenticity and veracity of his work.”
Robert Castiglione is the retired CEO and President of Leap Systems. Over twenty multi-billion dollar financial institutions license the Leap System model for their representatives for upscale financial planning.
“Barry is a conscientious researcher, as demonstrated in his GUARANTEED INCOME book. Using original source material allows him to present a factual case to support his argument on how to create a risk-free retirement plan. I commend his diligence.” William D. Danko, Ph.D. is the co author of THE MILLIONAIRE NEXTDOOR with Thomas J. Stanley, which has sold more than four million copies worldwide.
“Barry Dyke is a rare and honest voice who exposes the ongoing and massive corruption in retirement plans involving Wall Street and other asset managers. His research is irrefutable and will greatly assist consumers in making prudent and safe decisions when it comes to their retirement plans and help them create an income stream they and their spouses can never outlive.” Edward “Ted” Siedle is a nationally recognized expert on pension and retirement plans. A former SEC attorney, Ted pioneered over $1 trillion in forensic investigations in the money management industry. In 2017, Ted secured the largest SEC whistleblower award in history ($48 million), and in 2018, secured the largest CFTC award in history ($30 million).
"I want to congratulate you on another ‘masterpiece’ with Guaranteed Income. Once again, you have provided incredibly important information on a critically important financial subject—retirement…all backed up by your undeniable and extensive research. Awesome!” Robert Ball, leading consultant for the financial service industry, Atlanta, Georgia
“Barry is one of the most insightful, provocative and informed people in the industry.” Laurence Barton, PhD, former President of The American College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
“The banks and the bigs are robbing the country blind in broad daylight. Barry Dyke calls it like it is.” Gerald Celente, Trends Research Institute, world renown trends forecaster
“Barry Dyke called it.” Jay Leno, Burbank, California
“Barry Dyke has rendered us all a great service, much like Paul Revere when he alerted the colonists that ‘the red coats are coming.’ I think anybody who is truly interested in growing and preserving their assets ought to read this book right now.” Pat Boone, Beverly Hills, California, speaking about The Pirates of Manhattan
“Barry Dyke has done it again! Another ‘Grand Slam’ for clients and advisors alike. Anyone who wants to retire with a decent income for life, protected from the dangers and risks of Wall Street, NEEDS to read this book, GUARANTEED INCOME. If you really want to know the facts about how Wall Street has taken over Main Street and exposed the vast majority of an unsuspecting public to corporate greed and avarice, then this is a MUST read.” Bruce W. Etherington, BA, CLU, CFP, CHFC, Bruce Etherington & Associates, “Family Harmony & Philanthropy/Helping You Help Others,” Toronto, Canada
“Let me pause here to give credit to Barry James Dyke, author of ‘The Pirates of Manhattan who was far ahead of the crowd in analyzing the greed and skullduggery and projecting potential problems of Wall Street.” Richard Hoe, The Investment Edge, Life Insurance Selling, Tulsa, Oklahoma
“This is an eye opening book. It has fascinating insight into the corrupt practices of certain financial institutions in America. Americans will be much better off when they read this book. It is an excellent source of information as to what is really going on in the financial world.” Former Congressman & U.S. Presidential candidate, Ron Paul (R-Texas)
“One of the most interesting and informative books we have come across lately is one from Barry Dyke, ‘The Pirates of Manhattan.’ The book shows how Wall Street insiders separate the masses from their money.” Bill Bonner, best-selling author, “Empire of Debt” and “Mobs, Manias and Markets”, London, England
"I really like the Pirates of Manhattan. It gives very good historical overview of the financial mess we are in today (or have always been in). Perhaps it will be instructive to reflect on Psalm 146 'Put no trust in princes, in mere mortals powerless to save. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth; that day all their planning comes to nothing.'" William D. Danko, PhD, co-author of “The Millionaire Next Door” with Thomas J. Stanley, PhD which sold more than 2 million copies in regards to creating real wealth in America.
“’The Pirates of Manhattan’ opened my eyes to the financial world in a way that made me realize how foolish I was to allow others to totally control my money. Everyone should be required to read ‘The Pirates of Manhattan’ before deciding what to do with their money. The knowledge they will absorb will allow them to make more intelligent financial planning decisions.” Rick Barry, named one of the greatest NBA players of all time, Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Your material is excellent. I never realized the amount of greed and poor behavior of many of the leaders of Wall Street. As you indicated, the public has been taken advantage of for many years. The deregulation of the financial service industry illustrated how Wall Street took the rest of the country to the cleaners while building up huge personal fortunes…” Millard J. Grauer, CLU, ChFC, past president, The Million Dollar Round Table, Northbrook, Illinois
“I read The Pirates of Manhattan with pleasure and profit—or more precisely, dismay.” James K. Galbraith, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, best-selling author, “The Predator State”
“Barry Dyke’s new book, The Pirates of Manhattan is essential information to anyone, especially those in the financial service business. This is the best source of information about what really goes on in the financial world.” Best-selling author, R. Nelson Nash, “Becoming Your Own Banker”, Birmingham, Alabama
“This book is loaded with great ideas you can use to avoid the pitfalls and get into the road into financial independence.” Brian Tracy, best-selling author and international speaker, Solana Beach, California
“The Pirates of Manhattan is a fantastic book. Thank you so much for writing it.” John Perkins, author “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, which has sold over one million copies in 26 languages.
“Insightful, transparent, revolutionary. It will cause a paradigm shift and expose all of the financial fraud that exists.” Mitchell Yellen, Colorado Springs, Colorado
“You are now more than a lookout on the Titanic. The Pirates of Manhattan is a must read for consumers today.” Walter B. Stotesbury, Jr. CLU, ChFC, Gainesville, Florida. Walter “Shorty” Stotesbury’s great uncle was E.T. Stotesbury who was a business partner of J.P. Morgan and helped create The Federal Reserve System on Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1912