Castle Asset Management believes that the best investment is in oneself. Our mission is to deliver to the consumer and business owner processes and systems of money movement that focus on the efficient and effective creation of wealth and to protect that wealth from being transferred to the government, financial institutions and other third parties. By improving the flow of a client’s money (the velocity), Castle Asset Management is most confident that it will significantly increase client benefits and drastically improve the client’s money supply (the multiplier effect) with no increased risk or out-of-pocket expenses.

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be now. Now put the foundations under them."
~ Henry David Thoreau
We specifically seek to fortify and protect your "economic castle" by incorporating the following strategies.
Increase the money a client will have over their entire economic life
Give you more accessibility and utility on that money
Reduce income taxes
Lower Financial Costs
Provide Greater Insurance Protection
Reduce risks
Give you a better understanding of how money really works within society
Provide organization, coordination and integration of your financial documents and plans
Provide a verifiable process which is interactive and non dictatorial